About Us

We are a multi-national group of people from different cultural backgrounds

Who we are

We are a multi-national group of people from different cultural backgrounds; bound together by the precious blood of Jesus and heavenly focused.We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people called by God to show forth His praise and demonstrate His power. 1Pet 2:9

We are dedicated to the service of God and humanity. Our purpose is to help others discover how to be all round overcomer.

Our Mission

  • To groom all-round overcomers: A place where believers are equipped and assisted to discover their gifts in becoming an overcomer whom they have been created to be right from the beginning.
  • To prepare and make people ready for the coming of the Lord through:

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. John 16:33, Rom 8:37

Our Vision

  • A multi-national Church with a representative from all Countries in the World.
  • A Worshipping Church where the spirit of God moves freely.
  • An Evangelistic Church where winning of souls is our utmost priority.
  • A place of refuge where depressed and frustrated world find hope and encouragement, where the forsaken would find true love, where the confused would find guidance and generally where people need would be met spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, etc by the One who can never fail.
  • A community Church where the social needs of the community can be met through Childcare/Nursery, Youth Clubs, and other specialised training programmes.
  • A family Church where the needs of all age groups are met especially the Youths.
  • A place where believers are equipped for specific ministry by helping them to discover and develop their gifts/talents.